Sunday, 30 October 2011

Advice and guidance for those using the Wii for rehab especially with Parkinsons Disease

With the Nintendo Wii being 5 years old (released 19th November 2006) it could be considered surprising that nothing yet has superseded it.  Five years in the life of technology is a long time, especially when considering the rate of change and development. Despite both Sony and Microsoft releasing their own 'person controlled consoles' (Move and Kinect respectively) it continues to be the Nintendo Wii that is frequently used, adapted and integrated within therapy and rehabilitative programmes.  The Kinect is possibly the Wii's biggest rival, with Microsoft keenly working with a spectrum of potential users - including those engaged with disabled fitness or rehabilitation.

In the mean time it is interesting to see that support groups now recognise the interest regarding the use of the Wii to maintain mobility and fitness levels by publishing guidance on their website.  I refer to the Parkinsons UK website.  Whilst much of the advice is specifically for those with Parkinsons Disease a considerable amount of the information can be safely applied by others with mobility or movement related disorders.  Parkinson's UK should be commended on their interest to offer specific advice for their readers and for producing a comprehensive guide.  The link for the website and information is below.

Parkinson's UK - Parkinson's and the Wii - (formerly Parkinson's Disease Society)

The question continues to revolve around whether such interest in the use of the Wii will attract the attention of those at Nintendo to formally acknowledge and support the use within therapy and rehabilitation.  The market and interest is still there for them, if they want it, with Nintendo Wii consoles being more commonly, and increasingly, found within therapy units worldwide.  The potential to formally link beneficial therapeutic activities with Nintendo Wii software is as promising as it has ever been, but lets hope we're not kept waiting another five years...  

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